What is Cancer Zodiac Sign?

Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodia【更多相关资讯请访问wWW.miuzhuang.CoM>米庄星座】c, is known for its nurturing, emotional and sensitive nature. People born between June 21 and July 22 have Cancer as their zodiac sign. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and symbolized by the crab. Just like a crab, Cancers have a tough exterior but are soft and vulnerable on the inside.

Cancer is a water element sign. This means people born under this sign are deeply intuitive, empathetic, and artful. They tend to be in touch with their emotions and have a strong sense of empathy towards others. Cancer is often seen as the mother of the zodiac due to their caring and nurturing qualities. They are known to be loyal and protective towards their loved ones.

Cancers are also known for their tenaciousness, as they possess a strong will to overcome obstacles and challenges. They are hardworking and dedicated to their goals, often achieving success through their determination.

One of the primary attributes of the Cancer zodiac sign is their emotional sensitivity. They are prone to mood swings and can be easily affected by the energy around them. This sensitivity helps them in their artistic pursuits and makes them excellent writers, poets, musicians, and actors.

Cancerians also have a strong intuition and psychic abilities. They are capable of sensing things that others cannot, which makes them excellent listeners and therapists. They are often sought after for their guidance and advice.

In love, Cancerians are romantic and loyal partners. They tend to be very supportive and attentive, making them excellent partners. They are also commitment-phobic at times, due to their fear of getting hurt or rejected.

The crab's hard shell symbolizes the Cancerian's ability to protect themselves from the world. They tend to be private and guarded in social situations, which can lead to misunderstandings. However, they tend to be excellent friends and confidants once they trust someone.

In conclusion, Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is a water element sign ruled by the Moon. Individuals born under this sign tend to be nurturing, emotional, artistic, and empathetic. They possess a strong intuition and psychic abilities, which make them excellent listeners and therapists. While they can be guarded and private at times, they tend to be excellent friends and loyal partners.